Looping and scraping

In the previous posts, I covered how to scrape some data (like a stock price) from a website. To get a workable dataset, we can write some code to continually loop, and collect that same data at a fixed interval.

The code below does this. A few points. (1) Python uses indentation as part of the syntax. After starting a loop (the while 1==1: statement below) or a conditional (the if XXX==YYY statement below), everything you want looping or conditionally done has to be indented. (2) the while 1==1 line simply says keep doing this … forever. Since 1 will always be equal to 1. and (3) the if statement below checks if the current minute is divisible by 5 and runs the scraping code if it is. You can change the interval by changing 5 to another number, or using the now.second or now.hour numbers.

from selenium import webdriver
import datetime
import time
from multiprocessing import Pool,TimeoutError
import urllib.request
import re
from urllib.error import URLError, HTTPError

while 1==1:
now = datetime.datetime.now()
if now.minute/5 == int(now.minute/5):
driverspy = webdriver.Chrome()
sourcespy = driverspy.page_source
now = datetime.datetime.now()
found = re.search(‘”52″>(\d+\.\d+)</span>’, sourcespy).group(1)
print(“Time:”+str(now.hour)+”:”+str(now.minute)+”:”+str(now.second)+” Price:”+str(found))

While the code runs, you’ll get output that looks like the following. You can then either copy paste this to a CSV file or use Python code to export it in order to start building a dataset.

Time:12:15:20 Price:302.10
Time:12:20:8 Price:302.08
Time:12:25:19 Price:302.05
Time:12:30:20 Price:302.07
Time:12:35:9 Price:302.17
Time:12:40:9 Price:302.09
Time:12:45:28 Price:302.22
Time:12:50:28 Price:302.24
Time:12:55:16 Price:302.26
Time:13:0:8 Price:302.18
Time:13:5:9 Price:302.01
Time:13:10:8 Price:301.96
Time:13:15:28 Price:302.01
Time:13:20:29 Price:302.04
Time:13:25:8 Price:301.96
Time:13:30:20 Price:301.96
Time:13:35:19 Price:302.10
Time:13:40:28 Price:302.27
Time:13:45:20 Price:302.24
Time:13:50:8 Price:302.21
Time:13:55:8 Price:302.19
Time:14:0:8 Price:302.16